Department of economics established in 2004 as one of the departments in College of Business and Economics has promoted to School level in 2014 by comprising three departments and one research center. Now, the School of Economics has one undergraduate program, four postgraduate programs (Development economics, environmental and natural resource economics, MSc in Financial Economics and MA in Economics), PhD program and center for economic policy research (CEPR).
Department of economics, Department of development economics, Department of environmental and natural resource economics, and Center for economic policy research (CEPR).
The mission of School of Economics is to provide quality education in different aspects of economics and promote organized policy research for sustained economic growth and transformation in Ethiopia.
The vision of the School is becoming a credible academic and policy research unit by 2030, distinguished for its critical policy analysis in building Ethiopia capable of driving/sustaining its economic transformation through efficient private sector choices, auspicious economic policies and a strong state with inclusive institutions.